About RMS
We’ve lost track of the number of times a client has come to us with the idea that they need a specific communications tool. Such as, “we need a video” or “we need to do a new brochure.” It would be easy to create one of those projects on demand, but we have found that it is best to dive into the clien't’s communication goals and ultimately determine the best way to reach the desired audience. We still create a video or a brochure, but other times we discover a presentation and new photography will be a better way to reach the audience – in some cases, it’s even a combination of several tools.
We offer a variety of communication tools and services ranging from photography to mini-documentaries to presentations to digital and printed materials to public relations.
For each project and client, we work with the appropriate team members to get the job done while staying within budget.
We look forward to speaking with you further, please don’t hesitate to send us a note in the email below to learn more about our process and offerings.
Appreciate you taking the time to visit our website. - Rob