Project Overview
Northern California Water Agency sought a way to showcase a new approach to water management that encompasses the entire watershed. The area of focus spans several hundred miles across dramatically changing terrain both above and below the surface. To help demonstrate the concept, we created assets to reveal how the entire system is interconnected and reliant on the health of each sector. From copy writing to design of posters and presentations to capturing high-quality photography, we were able to showcase this idea in an imaginative and digestible way.
Project Name / Healthy Rivers & Landscapes
Contents / Illustrations, Communications
Client / Northern California Water Association
Industry / Agriculture & Wildlife
Project Status / Ongoing
Floodplains and Flows Illustration
Offering design that allows the reader to compare and contrast one idea against another with ease is an important tool in visual story telling.
Healthy Rivers California Magazine
Part of the challenge presented was to highlight a water usage and wildlife conservation implementation objective that is known by the term: Voluntary Agreements. The wording is vague and we aimed to integrate the phrase with one that is active and describes the overall goal. Enter: Healthy Rivers California.
Salmon Projects Map & Infographics
A wide range of salmon conservation projects are occurring up and down the main stem of the Sacramento River. To give each project its due, we designed a one sheet that allows the reader to see the scope of the entire effort while able to understand how these projects are interconnected from Shasta to the Delta.
Salmon Snapshot Illustration
Ridgetop to River Mouth Illustration
Wildlife conservation efforts should be highlighted with zeal and excitement that inspires action and involvement. We believe complex issues like water management and conservation should have an approachable entry point so that we can build an understanding and trust with key decision makers.