Sacramento River Settlement Contractors

Overview // The SRSC board is working on first-of-its-kind agreements to bring together landowners into a new era of water management that generates benefits for people and wildlife. RMS updated SRSC branding and is assisting in all communications with members and partnering agencies.

Project / Branding and Application

Client / SRSC

Industry / Agriculture & Water Conservation

Project Status / Ongoing

Brand & Photography Refresh

The logo and colors tap into the core of SRSC’s purpose while showcasing the organization’s new multi-beneficial focus.

Website Re-Design

To help communicate with landowners and educate new partners, RMS built a new website to improve accessibility and understanding of SRSC’s mission and on-going tasks.

Informative Maps & Flyers

Through this campaign we have created a wide range of assets that have been used to educate agency executives and public representatives on the issues facing Sacramento Valley water users.


Our work with SRSC is helping to educate members and partners in a variety of topics and efforts SRSC is currently managing. Our work has helped build bridges of understanding and led to agreements over contentious issues.


Rebrand, Website, and Rollout: Basin Irrigation Drainage Authority


Campaign: Sacramento Valley Salmon Recovery Outreach